DCBigPappa's Blog

Politics & Pop Culture from a homocon.


This weekend, the DC area braced for what turned out to be the largest snowfall for us DC.  There are reports that we got between 19-22 inches of snow between 9pm Friday night and this morning.

While usually I am Ebenezer Scrooge when it comes to snow, I decided to venture outside yesterday and take it all in.  Along my walk to the U.S. Capitol, CVS, and then back home, I witnessed an abundance of joy in everyone I passed.

Of course, there were the pets and kids playing, snow angels and snowmen being made, lots of photos being snapped, and people skiing down the streets.  But there was also a friendly buzz in the air.  Everyone said hello to passers by.  Complete strangers would help push a car that was stuck in the snow.  It was overall an enjoyable experience.

So upon my return from my two mile, which probably took 90 minutes in total, I was prepared to shed my image of that white powder falling from the sky.

That was until I got an email saying that my flight, scheduled for the next day had been cancelled and I would need to call to rebook a flight.  My bah, humbug mentality quickly reinvigorated itself.  My six day trip to Dallas (Granny) and Minneapolis (Lil’ Pappa) was soon to be cut to four days.  That was after being on hold with Northwest Airlines for over an hour.

Next was changing car rental and hotel booking.  Enterprise was easy.  $60 more expensive for a less day than before, but easy.  The challenge was going to be Priceline.  I had got a great ‘name-your-own-price’ deal of $33 at the Doubletree Market Center in Dallas.  After speaking with several people, I was able to get a refund for the full amount of my original bid.  They made it a point to impress to me that “the cancellation has been granted based on the extenuating circumstances related to your reservation. Under normal circumstances, reservations cannot be changed or cancelled.”

I didn’t care.  I was happy that everything panned out.  I am sad that I will only be in Texas for two days, but it’s better than not going at all!  And yes, I will be returning to DC with Blue Bell ice cream!

So far now, I just wait.

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