DCBigPappa's Blog

Politics & Pop Culture from a homocon.

No, YOU’RE an Effing Racist!

This post goes out to my liberal friends.  Not all of them.  But they know who they are.  They are the idiots who were going around saying that if you disagreed with or wouldn’t vote for Barack Obama then you were a racist.  [roll eyes…]

On its face, that is a totally ignorant statement.  But let’s follow their line of thinking for a second.  So if  disagreeing with and refusing to vote for Obama means one is a racist, then shouldn’t the same work for disagreeing with and refusing to vote for Allen West?  Are the people of Florida’s 18th Congressional District racist?  No.  Are they many of the people who called Congressman West an Uncle Tom?  Perhaps.  But let’s actually call a spade a spade…so to speak.  Does it only work when criticizing a black liberal?  Are black conservatives not afforded the same rigorous defense? [still rolling eyes…]

Now we have a member of the House Democratic leadership saying words such as “incompetent” are code words for racism.  Give me a fucking break!  In the case of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, the use of the term incompetent is code for lacking the qualities needed for effective action.

David Duke is a racist.  There are many things you can call Senator John McCain, but that ain’t one of them.

2 responses to “No, YOU’RE an Effing Racist!

  1. Maria DeCesare November 20, 2012 at 4:41 PM

    I totally agree. A great blog…it is so true. I thought Democrats are the inclusive one and open to all people’s opinions.

  2. Pingback: Who’s The Racist? | it's only words

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